Dirt Track Auto Racing
What more could a dirt track racer want then an original portrait of his car! We won't disclose who the artist is because the person is kind of shy. Even though the person is an amateur it's still a pretty darn good rendition of Jeremy's Charger (before the motor blew up this year).
This gave us a good idea. We are trying to promote the sport of dirt track auto racing and at the same time, make the site fun to visit. If you have a picture of your favorite dirt track auto racer and you would like us to put it on our website or blog, email the pic to me along with your story and we will be happy to include you on our site. We are trying to promote the sport as a whole so if you love the sport then share your experiences with the world. Just make sure your pics are your own or you are giving credit where credit is due for copywrite reasons. Don't forget to visit our website at http://www.dirttrackautoracing.com
Send your pics to dirttrackcarrace@aol.com or maddunn@aol.com See you at the dirt track!