In my last dirt track auto racing blog I promised I would introduce you to baby Ava. Well, meet beautiful mom and wife, Sara and baby Ava who is already kicking her way to future fame, causing joy, but causing heartburn and pains too! Mom is looking pretty darn good for being 8 months pregnant.
Meet Jeremy's daughter, beautiful 5 year old Alexia, who was also Jeremy's first spokesmodel (you can see here video by clicking here) and going to the dirt track auto racing website.
We don't know if baby Ava will be a dirt track racer like her dad, but we do know that she is already feisty and ready to go even though she still has a month left before she greets her new world.
Alexia will be starting kindergarten this fall and she is anxiously awaiting Ava's arrival. You may remember Alexia from the website where she introduces Jeremy's dirt track auto racing website to the world. Alexia was four when she made the video and is looking forward to making another one real soon.
So now you've met the immediate Zufall family. Soon you will get to meet Ava (we'll post her pic as soon as she lets us).
Thanks for visiting and we hope you and your families will become one of Jeremy's biggest dirt track auto racing fans.
This is a bit off the subject, but I found a really wierd site while reading AOL this morning. It covers alot of topics and it is called It's kind of a crazy site and I think it is named boing boing because just about every topic imaginable is displayed there. Not all of it is suitable for kids though but there are some weird and interesting things on it. You might want to take a look there as well, but don't forget to come back again and visit our dirt track auto racing blog!